Monday, March 30, 2015

The Not-so-Lonely Gal on the Road

"Inspiring you to reinvent yourself."

Dear Friends, 

The sunroof is back and my hair is blowing in the wind. (Okay, my hair looks like this even when I stage a still shot of hair blowing in the wind.) I have been on the road for nine days, heading straight south. I am approaching Central Florida, on this, the first day of my trip to go above 60 degrees Fahrenheit

Traveling solo is lovely and not at all lonely.:

I get to see people I love. NJ was a sleep-over with good friends, DC was a sleep-over with cousins, and Raleigh was a sleep-over with lifelong friends plus a night out with less long, but still long, time friends. Savannah was supposed to be a stay where I knew no one. Popping onto the Couch Surfing site to input my request, I found that of over 1100 potential hosts, the very first to appear was a graduate school friend! Savannah became a sleep-over and catch-up with one of the sweetest rabbis I know and his remarkable wife. 

Strangers become (at least) momentary friends. Ken, a new Word With Friends adversary from Philadelphia. David, who hosted me in Wilmington, DE for two nights, a family medicine intern who grew up not far from where my brother now lives. Got an amazing hug from the fabulously witty owner of a yogurt and coffee shop, also in Wilmington, called Scrumptious. Spent over an hour in free-flowing discourse with her and a regular who is an artist. Sid, the band leader in Raleigh, expects me not to miss his show next time! Anya, the restaurateur's wife, also in Raleigh, near-promised a successful shidduch for me and has already invited me to join her and Arthur (the restaurateur) at a Jewish gathering in August.

Brooke, the clerk at Pep Boys in Georgia, sneaked me in for a tire replacement at the end of the day Sunday. (She enjoyed a sampling of my yummy/healthy road snacks to ease the dinner-time delay.) Heath and Leann, my hosts in Jacksonville: HS sweethearts, they each married and divorced, then found each other fifteen years ago. In 27 years of a career in state corrections, Heath has never carried a gun. 

Friends and loved ones remain in reach. Mom: Where am I today and what Haggadahs should we use for the seder? Nephew: Childcare possibilities in Portland, ME? Edison, NJ friend: Textlogue in process until I visit on the return. Friends of a good friend in NYC: Can they stay with me one night during Passover? Yes, but I won't be there: here's my beloved housemate to host you. Facebook: posts, comments and likes. 

Reinventing Rhonda: well, here you are! ;-)  

Spanish Moss: Neither Spanish nor Moss. Discuss.
I should shove off. Most beautiful so far? Strolling where Spanish Moss grows? The lush Ocala National Forest whooshing by as I drive? (Did you know that Florida has a huge national forest?) Sunshine and a temperature gauge that says it's 72 degrees out? The love I'm feeling out here on the road. Hard to say, really.

Please follow, share, like, etc. if you do, indeed: want to follow, feel like sharing, like it, etc.  

To those who celebrate: a Happy Easter, a Sweet Passover, and in general, a warm welcome for budding renewal of earth, spirit, and please, a peaceful human sensibility. 

Love, Rhonda


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